2.59. Preterist

The term “preterism” is based on the Latin preter, which means “past.” Preterism refers to that understanding of certain eschatological passages which holds that they have already come to fulfillment. Mild or partial preterism holds that most of the prophecies of Revelation were fulfilled either in the fall of Jerusalem in A.D. 70 or the fall of the Roman Empire, but in both cases the Second Coming of Christ is seen as yet future. This form of preterism is orthodox. Full or consistent preterism holds that all the prophecies of Revelation are already fulfilled, that we are currently living spiritually in the “new heavens and earth” and denies a future bodily return of Jesus. Full or consistent preterism is heterodox. Preterism teaches that many of the prophecies of Revelation have already been fulfilled. Most of the prophecies before Revelation Rev. 20:1+ are said to find fulfillment in the fall of Jerusalem (A.D. 70).